We offer a variety of services to our clients including


People are the most important aspect of a business. If the team and management are working harmoniously and with the right constituent parts, then the business will function smoothly and satisfy the people for whom it is producing a product or service. We always start with people.


Brand is not just a collection of design elements and messages, that is like saying a person is the sum of their clothes and emails. Brand is ideally a true reflection of the personality of the business. Just like people, personalities can be disordered, so we help you assess your brand to make it the authentic best that it can be.


What is your business or organisation currently saying? Is it's messaging truly communicating what it is that you need to get across to your audience? Are your audience 'getting it'? Is the messaging underpinned with a solid communications strategy that everyone understands and can buy into? We help you get it right.


Usually ignored, often abused, considered a marketing gimmick by many, properly understood by few. If you can do the work to establish the true values of your organisation so that everyone understands and works to them, then you will be one of the elite. Not many organisations manage to do this well, but when they do, it is rocket fuel to the business. It makes decision making easy, it determines company policy, how you hire and how you fire. We can help you do this vital work.


Humans are built on narrative structure. A unique species that has developed language, our brains are now structured around the stories we tell. Understanding your own story is essential to mental strength, understanding the business or organisation's story is essential to prosperity and success. We are experts at story.


Just as your messaging and written communications are expressions of the company personality, so is your design. You would be surprised by just how many organisations leave this vital form of communication pretty much up to a contracted graphic designer, without thoroughly integrating it into the personality of their company and truly making it a powerful communicator of the organisation's offering.


When communication breaks down, or there is a lack of mutual understanding of purpose, conflict can arise. It is extremely debilitating and costly, both personally and for business. We can take an objective, compassionate approach to conflict resolution and create better understanding. No one truly wants to be in conflict, but everyone does want to be understood and to be heard.


The second law of thermodynamics tells us that as soon as we try to create change, we create chaos. Businesses by their nature need to convert raw materials into products, or data into services. This creates chaos. If the project management is not sufficient, then chaos will quickly overwhelm an organisation and leave a demoralised team constantly firefighting instead of producing. We can help get your systems streamlined.


Developing a coherent communications strategy is key to streamlined and effective business planning. Based on many of the other elements, the strategy brings it all together in one comprehensive document - the company bible. Of course it will evolve and develop, but to operate without one is to leave communication to chance, it is to send mixed and confusing messages, to fail to empathise with the target audience. We can help you develop the strategy that will make your life so much easier, your communications so much more effective.


What are our clients are saying about us?

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Nick Thorpe Fathers Network

Cassian and his team pulled all the stops out to deliver a professional product. Friendly, approachable, fun to work with - I'd recommend Tin Can Telephone unreservedly.

Keith Carsley Instafile

We had just developed a brand new product and were about to launch. Cassian and Cathy came in and helped us devise our strategy and advise on all aspects of messaging and design. When we later hired an extremely well respected CEO from the city, he was very impressed with the work that they had done. Superb!

Gordon Newman One-Eyed Dog LTD

A great experience working with them, very creative, very thoughtful and game changing results.

Take the communications MOT now

Optimizing every area of your business!

From foundations, design and strategy to communications, relations & story - we can help


To arrange a consultation or workshop, send us a message.